Monday, January 14, 2013

setting goals for your kids in 2013

I hadn't planned to officially make "resolutions" for this new year, because I had already made some decisions before our move in November of changes I'd like to make. I had decided that with a big change and a new life, I wanted to get more serious about creating a healthier, more simple and natural lifestyle! I also figured that making resolutions would be too overwhelming right now, so I figured I'd focus on making yogurt and bread, replacing more household products with homemade/natural ones, plant a big garden, and that'd be good for this next year of adjusting to a new area and developing relationships.

But then I came across these reflection and goal-setting questions from Simple Mom. I printed them off and spent an entire afternoon praying through and answering them! SO much happened during 2012 for our family, that I needed that time to reflect. I enjoyed thinking about my year's greatest joy and greatest struggle. Not only had I forgotten so many things that had happened, but I needed to be reminded of how God had been behind the biggest blessings and sustained me through the hardest moments.

Then I looked ahead to this next year, beyond just  implementing a few more healthy habits. I looked deeper into my spiritual life, my personal life, our finances, marriage, and my kids lives. It was helpful to see how I've grown spiritually and personally this past year, but it also revealed some areas I need to work on!

What I enjoyed most was setting some goals for my kids this year! I don't think I've thought about the questions she asked quite like this before! I spent a good deal of time thinking about kids' strengths, how to encourage those strengths, their weaknesses, and how to help them work through those weaknesses.
Then there were 6 areas listed you'd like each of you children to grow in. I was able to think much deeper into my kids individual lives and make some goals for them: physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, educationally, and other.
 For instance, this year I'd like to work with Titus emotionally to learn some self control and an understanding of the choices that he makes. Also I'd like to work on the concept of time and the calendar educationally. For Norah, we'd like to work on helping her be more patient and less demanding emotionally. To learn that she is only one member of this family and not the most important every moment of the day.

I feel much more prepared to enter this year as I've reflected on this past year and where my kids and I are all at individually and where we need to do this year next! I could've made like 10 "resolutions"
for each of us (which would really be like 30 for me!) but by looking at where each of us are and making a few goals, my mind is most aware of where we're at! I know where we are and where we need to go. And there's no pressure to do everything, but at least I know where we're headed and I have an idea of what I'd like our year to look like. A new year just gives me a fresh look and fresh start!

Here are the reflection and goal-setting questions from Simple Mom if you'd like to look through them or take the time to spend answering them!

20 questions for reflecting on your 2012

Goal-Setting Questions for a New Year

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I'm going to come back to this next week. I've got some cleaning and organizing that needs to be done before i can enjoy the time of sitting and reflecting. Thanks for sharing!


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